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Filter Media Perth Australia, Industrial Filters, Dust Collectors, Air Filters

Filtration Media

Media is a term used to describe any material used to filter particles out of a fluid flow stream. Each filter is made with the appropriate media to provide the protection needed for the application for which it is designed.

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Cellulose Media
Cellulose, or wood pulp, media has been used in engine filtration from the beginning. Cellulose fibres are irregular in shape and size and have smaller pores. Smaller media pores cause more flow resistance, which translates to lower efficiency ratings.

Cellulose media tends to load contaminants on the media surface due to the pore configuration. Cellulose can provide effective filtration, but in certain applications, other media types are preferable.

Synthetic Media
Synthetic media fibres are thin and smooth, which provides for less restriction compared to cellulose media. The consistent shape of the fibres allows engineers to use the media with the proper fibre size and pattern to create the least resistance flow path possible.

Synthetic media tends to capture contaminants through the depth of the media, which allows for a higher contaminant holding capacity.

Blended Media
Sometimes an application requires the characteristics of both cellulose and synthetic media, so the two are blended. With blended media, the characteristics of cellulose and synthetic media are combined to create media to accommodate filter efficiency and contaminant holding capacity.

Baldwin Filters utilizes various cellulose, synthetic and blended media to design filters that meet the requirements of a variety of applications.